Jesus Film Audio
Greetings. The life of Jesus Christ according to Gospel of Luke is presented to you in 22 audio segments. You will be able to download or listen to each part by clicking on it at the right hand side of this page. May Jesus Christ touch your heart and bless your life through this.
Part 1. Beginning of Jesus Christ’s life story. | Part 2. Mary receives the good news about Jesus’ birth, Mary visits Elizabeth, Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Shepherds go to see Jesus, Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple, and discussion between young Jesus and religious teachers. | Part 3. John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, Jesus baptised by John, and Jesus is tempted in the desert. | Part 4. Jesus is rejected at Nazareth, teachings of Jesus and Miracle of catching fish. | Part 5. Jesus chooses his twelve disciples, and Jesus’ sermon on the mount. | Part 6. Woman anoints Jesus’ feet. | Part 7. Parable of the sewer, Jesus introduces his real family. | Part 8. Jesus calms the storm and heals a man with demons. | part 9. Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter, other teachings of Jesus, Jesus feeds five thousands. | Part 10. Peter’s confession of Christ, and transfiguration of Jesus. | Part 11. Healing of a demon-possessed boy, cost of following Jesus. | Part 12. Parable of Good Samaritan, Jesus’ teaching on prayer. | part 13. Teaching on God’s kingdom, Jesus blesses children, the Rich man and Jesus. | Part 14. Jesus heals a blind beggar, Jesus and Zachaeus. | Part 15. Jesus’ Triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus cleanses the temple. | Part 16. Authority of Jesus questioned, Parable of bad tenants, question about paying tax, The widow’s offering. | part 17. Passover and the Last Supper. | Part 18. Gethsemane Garden, The arrest of Jesus, Peter denies Jesus, Jesus is charged. | Part 19. Jesus’ trial before Pilate and Herod, Jesus is sentenced to death on a cross. | Part 20. On the way to Golgotha, Crucifixion and Death of Jesus. | Part 21. Burial of Jesus, Resurrection of Jesus, Jesus appears to his disciples. | Part 22. Jesus is taken to heaven.